Friday, January 16, 2009

January 2009

dear sader tot
sorry i haven't written about you in a while. life around the wilson household is off to a full sprint in the new year.
it feels sort of like a reaccuring theme that life is always a full sprint. you are so much the light of our lives, you seem to really put life in perspective and you always teach us to not sweat the small stuff. who knew that putting bibs on your head and taking tupperware out of a cabinet could be so exciting and fun.
you aren't walking yet, and you are just fine with that right now. you are such a laid back baby, just go with the flow and really the only time you cry is when you are hungry and right before bed, and even right before bed it's more of a "mommy will you pay attention to me" as you are rubbing your eyes on my knee. you get around just fine crawling and cruising around furniture. something new that you have just started in the last week is taking a little bench that is normally in the dining room and dragging it around the kitchen in order to kneel and stand on it. you don't like it when we put it up. you certainly let us know when you aren't happy. you scream and arch your back, especially when it's time to change your diaper and you are in the middle of playing. it's usually pretty easy to change your mood, we usually sing or talk to you and you instantly start to smile and laugh again. you love to take grandma and grandpa's glasses off their faces and their glasses case out of grandpa's pocket. you love to examine any jewelry or buttons that someone might have on. you can also point to your nose, say "uh oh" and "Mama". you know the signs for all done and milk. you also raise your arms during "SO BIG" and smile when you get it right, then you clap. i think i might have confused you, we were working on pointing to your mouth and now when i say nose you put your finger in your mouth. back the the drawing board :)
you love to read books, in fact when i get the stack of books that we normally read before bed you start to laugh and giggle and crawl towards the recliner. you love to take the books and turn the pages, and sometimes you even wait for me to finish the page before you turn it. some of the books like the hungry caterpiller, brown bear, polar bear, and runaway bunny you will "allow" me to read about 3 pages before you throw it off the chair.
you still love pens, markers, and everything you arne't supposed to have. you especially love climbing behind the recliner in order to dig through the rubbermaid storage and bang on the computer keys, which is your new favorite pasttime. when we take you around the front, you usually kick your legs, arch your back and protest in the only way you know how a pathetic fake cry and screaming at the top of your lungs
you are starting to learn no, if we say it in a stern enough voice you will look at us, then if we come over to where you are you will give it to us, we say thank you and then you clap your hands.
one funny story from this last week was on wednesday i looked over to where you were in the living room, you had taken almost all the clothes out of a laundry basket, you had my underwear on your head, a onesie around your shoulders, a shirt around your waist and you were just talking away to yourself. you really are starting to talk/babble a lot, especially to us. one more thing this week that you've started to do is a goof ball grin. you just started that this week, when you get something like a spoon with food on it or a pen that someone else had you will squint your eyes and grin so much that we can see your teeth. it's so cute. i'm hoping to get it on tape or a picture of it.
we love you so much sadie.
love mommy

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