Sunday, December 28, 2008


i have been a total slacker when it comes to blogging this month after tater's birthday. my apologies to all of you who have come her expecting brilliant humorous insights and got nada.
i sit here thinking about the whirlwind last few weeks it's been. it seems a common theme is that we are always on the go, always packing to go somewhere, always in a hurry.
i get a lot of crap for taking so many pictures. people get really sick of me pulling the camera out to snap every single minute of sadie's life and all her little movements. the fact of the matter is i take so many pictures to capture these fleeting moments known as sadie's childhood. i know there will be a moment that i will look back and wonder where all the time went, and with our busy life and crazy schedule anything i can do to help me capture all these little moments the better. i was just looking throug pictures the other day and realized that i had skippecd a few weeks last winter. it's hard for me to look back and remember what it was like when sadie was a tiny tiny baby. we spent today with my cousins the radosevich's, our favorites :) the last time they saw sadie she was 2 weeks old. they couldn't believe the changes in her and all that she could do compared to last time. i also looked through my phone the other day and remembered a picture i had taken of her pulling herself up for the first time. i'm so grateful for these special moments
sadie has been standing up more on her own lately.she's almost even standing up from the sitting position. i think if she wasn't so darn tall (wearing 18mos clothes) it would have happened a while ago. it started last weekend and has become more and more common. it's still very exciting to see her do it for a few short seconds until she falls to the ground. i still suck my breath in every time. those little moments that i don't want to miss. she loves to take fingers and walk around the room and the house. the minute you put her down she will scream and let you know she's not happy.
sade's more vocal now, she says mama all the time, dada occasionally, baba everytime you ask where willie is and lots of ga's, da's, ma's. she's starting to use her own sadie language, especially when she's very engaged in something she's never seen before or examining something in her hand. she's started to try to use a spoon on her own, she will take it throw the food off of it onto her tray then eat it from there or pick it off the spoon. she's trying to use the spoon occasionally, when she feels like it of course.
sade also makes the motions with her hands for bye-bye, gives high fives and when i give the sign for water and food she will grunt if she wants one.
she's still not a fan of bananas and has become more picky about her vegetables but she's still a good eater. right now she's going through the stage of not being very interested in eating a whole lot except breakfast if oatmeal is on the menu. she'll eat an entire bowl of oatmeal. ha!
sadie was so spoiled at christmas. many people were generous and bought her some really cool gifts. she's a big fan of anything with lights and noise. we try to keep those presents at both grandparents :) ha! we've noticed with all these gifts sade's becoming more apt with using buttons, remembering what to push and how to make the toys work. i'm still proud when she remembers what buttons to push even if it means i need to hear that "open and close, open and close" song one more time.

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