Sunday, February 13, 2011

punkin head

praise the lord! so much has happened since the last time i wrote. i can imagine the frame of mind i was writing from seemed a little tense. reider wasn't sitting up at the time. as a mom it freaks me out to think anything is wrong with my baby and there's nothing i can do to help him.
since august reider goes to therapy every 3-5 weeks. in the last week or so he's made some huge progress and now is almost completely walking by himself.
we are starting to really see his personality come out, something we really hadn't seen yet. reid's the type of kid that takes everything in and rarely has a reaction, much less a word in response. when he was a "baby" baby it took me practically standing on my head to get him to smile, laugh, or even look at me. we are finding that in fact he's really pretty silly. he's LOVES being tickled, zurberted, being held and he LOVES LOVES LOVES dance parties. when daddy's not home we turn on the glee cast pandora station and rock out. sadie will throw the cushions off the couch and jump and reider comes over to me and wants up to dance. when i stop moving he starts bucking and whining for me to get moving again.
today reider actually brought josh a book for him to read. that's pretty uncharacteristic of him to do. we think he's probably a lot like my brother kevin in the sense that he takes in EVERYTHING. we just aren't sure what he knows or doesn't know. what a stinker! as of now he knows: Hi, Willie, cracker, baby, icky (usually it's him that smells icky) mommy, and daddy. he points to josh in pictures and we THINK he might be saying sadie but it's hard to tell. he also loves to drink out of my nalgene waterbottle.
tonight was kind of funny. reider, sade and i were on the couch. i said "okay let's go brush our teeth" reider turned himself around, practically lept off the couch and was up the stairs before sadie and i's feet even hit the floor. he LOVES brushing his teeth. <3
i know i need to post about sadie, more on that this week. :) i'm hoping to be blogging more.