well our sweet little baby girl has discovered the art of army crawling and is quite good at it. we put her down one minute go to get something in the other room and when we come back she is on the other side of the room, like she's at boot camp underneath all that barbed wire. she discovered the sound the kitchen floor makes last night and spent a great deal of time slapping her little heart out. i think she's started to realize that the place she lives has more than just her room and the living room. ha! tater also loves to give kisses now. she opens her mouth and lands her face on just about whatever is available at the time, it could be a leg, the dog, even the church pew as she did yesterday. she thinks she's really brilliant and funny. as soon as she does it she laughs. sade also has become an expert at pat-a-cake with her feet, yes i said her feet. she lays on her back and i sing pat-a-cake and she will clap her feet for a while then give me a look like, "i'm done with this mom, i've got better things to do."
we went to another shower this past weekend, for a super good friend jenny. we are so excited jenny is getting married and can't wait to celebrate with her on her special day. it was so good to catch up with old friends. a friend from high school laura brought her son brian who was born the same week sade was. we had a good time reading books, and sade needs to learn to share better. she had fun taking all brian's toys from him.... little stinker.

We were taking baths in the "big" tub, but this is easier.

Sade's new 'do

Sade and Jenny

Grandma, Mommy and tater at the shower.

Going in for the kill.

Kissie monster attacks!

Eyeing Brian's toy.

And now the toy is hers.

Sade and Katie

she LOVES her doggie.

The kissie monster is coming.....

Willie is trying to escape the kissie monster.