Friday, August 29, 2008

me and jenny we was like peas and carrots

the last two weeks have been super crazy at the wilson house. josh has been gone for softball the last three weeks all while trying to get the new 3-D online casino up and running, little josh started at a new school and is living with us full time now, i am in full blown youth minister mode and getting everything started, and little miss who seems to be changing daily. i'm still not quite sure how i feel about it all yet. she has mastered army crawling and even gets up on her knees crawls about two steps then falls over. she follows us around now too. i was in the kitchen the other day getting breakfast for her and i could hear her grunting and yelling until i saw she had come into the kitchen. she loves the sound it makes when she slaps the floor. sade also sits up all the time by herself. she's done it for a while, but lately when i've been going into her room to get her in the morning she's waiting for me and claps her hands when she sees me. it's so cute!

she has also slowly started eating real food like peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes. some she liked better than others, but we are still working on it. she has also conquered her fear of bananas- well really all that means is she doesn't spit them out or vomit after eating them. cheerios are still her favorite and she even holds on to a handful hours after she's done eating. it's nothing for us to look at her on the floor and see that she's still got some in her hand long after mealtime is done. crazy girl.

sade has also become more friendly and plays well with others. i suppose that means she doesn't try to poke their eyes or pull their hair while staring at them. last week at mass, shannon, a baby who was born the day after sade came back where we were sitting. sade didn't try to rip toys out of shannon's hand the way she has done in the past. shannon was fascinated by sade's hair and tried to grab it. ha. sadie also has a friend at daycare named abby. i usually pick sade up and when i go into the room they are always by each other, usually just staring at each other. it's pretty cute. the other day i went in and all the babies were on the floor crying, all except sade that is. she was just looking at them lik.e what's the big deal guys? she certainly has a laid back personality. no much bothers her. ha
we are just loving all our time with sade and are so thankful for each day we get. she's so special to us.

Monday, August 18, 2008

the kissie monster strikes!

well our sweet little baby girl has discovered the art of army crawling and is quite good at it. we put her down one minute go to get something in the other room and when we come back she is on the other side of the room, like she's at boot camp underneath all that barbed wire. she discovered the sound the kitchen floor makes last night and spent a great deal of time slapping her little heart out. i think she's started to realize that the place she lives has more than just her room and the living room. ha! tater also loves to give kisses now. she opens her mouth and lands her face on just about whatever is available at the time, it could be a leg, the dog, even the church pew as she did yesterday. she thinks she's really brilliant and funny. as soon as she does it she laughs. sade also has become an expert at pat-a-cake with her feet, yes i said her feet. she lays on her back and i sing pat-a-cake and she will clap her feet for a while then give me a look like, "i'm done with this mom, i've got better things to do."
we went to another shower this past weekend, for a super good friend jenny. we are so excited jenny is getting married and can't wait to celebrate with her on her special day. it was so good to catch up with old friends. a friend from high school laura brought her son brian who was born the same week sade was. we had a good time reading books, and sade needs to learn to share better. she had fun taking all brian's toys from him.... little stinker.
We were taking baths in the "big" tub, but this is easier.

Sade's new 'do
Sade and Jenny

Grandma, Mommy and tater at the shower.

Going in for the kill.

Kissie monster attacks!

Eyeing Brian's toy.

And now the toy is hers.
Sade and Katie

she LOVES her doggie.
The kissie monster is coming.....
Willie is trying to escape the kissie monster.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

butter cows, dancing to tiffani what more could a weekend hold!

This weekend was very busy for miss saders after our fever scare. we traveled to ankeny for a good friend laura's wedding. our moms have been bff's since jr high, it was great fun dancing to "i think we're alone now" just like we did in elementary school, except this we weren't wearing roller skates. we also toured the iowa state fair. one word: CRAZY. there were people everywhere. the best part was seeing iowa's own shawn johnson (she's on the usa gymnastic team) carved out of butter, right next to a cow carved out of butter with an american flag carved out of butter. suddenly i'm craving potatoes, popcorn, and corn on the cob. curious....

we also ate dinner at grandma and grandpa wilson's tonight, it was fun to be with them. sade has also started going back and forth when music is on like she is dancing. next thing you know she will be gathering all her baby friends together to be on america's best dance crew...
mommy and sade at the reception. she was more interested in the lights and my big necklace than having her picture taken...

Sadie and her future prom date gregory. in case you can't tell, he is just about the cutest baby in america, second only to you know who of course....

tater and linda, grandma's bff

sade and the BEAUTIFUL bride laura. looks a lot different from when we used to play barbies huh :)
grandpa and sadie. she loved the dancing
grandma and linda

someone didn't want to go to bed!

this was the extent of our day at the fair. sadie decided to pull all the grass from the lawn and cried when we tried to get up...
more grass
i can't say i understand the appeal.... check out her face.

sade with uncle chris :)

sade with grandpa wilson sade's cousin sam, he's not too interested in having his picture taken...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Count your blessings, not your worries. Psalm 34

Today we had our first real scare with the Sader-potater (as her daddy likes to call her). I got a call from the daycare saying that her temp was terribly high, so I rushed over there and headed straight to the emergency room. My mom met me there because Josh has been really overwhelmed with work right now.
(This next part is not for the faint of heart)

Just as we went to sit down with Sade to wait for the dr. to call her name, she threw up ALL over. Imagine the scene from the Exorcist when Linda Blair freaks out and starts vomiting? Now imagine not a possessed girl but a very sick little baby doing that. Done and done. There I stand covered in vomit from my hair, face, arms, clothes, Sade covered, two chairs, the floor with a room full of sick and injured watching this entire scene take place. I have never been so mortified in my life, but at the same time never realized until that moment how much I truly would do anything for my sweet sweet baby girl. Luckily I had brought a change of clothes for Sade in the diaper bag that I remembered to grab from daycare, and my mom ran to my house to get a change of clothes for me, so I only had to sit with those on for about an hour. (Did I mention we were there for over 4?!?! Now that we are home, it is kind of funny (definately not at the time. The emergency room is a hopping place on Thursday afternoons) We finally saw the dr and Sade could have a number of things, it could be the beginning of an ear infection, it could be a virus, she was definately dehydrated. It turns out the temp that I was told was off a few degrees, which for babies, that would, and could, make a huge difference. I had every reason to be completely worried but it wasn't as bad as we had intially thought. Thankfully. Sade definately was sicker than I had ever seen her before, even when she gave us all the flu over Easter. All she wanted to do was sleep, she wouldn't grin or giggle, she didn't wave her arms or make any noise at all. Those of you who have been around Sade for any length of time, you know that she makes a lot of noise and is constantly moving.

I began to realize a lot of things sitting in that waiting room, and one of them is something I have been telling myself over and over again. The last few nights Sadie and I have been going on walks all over the neighborhood and beyond. It's our time together and it gets us out of the house. There's a church on our route with a sign out front that says "Count your blessings, not your worries" Pslam 34. So true. How often are we more worried about what we don't have, or what we want or what we can't control than what's right in front of us. Being so worried about Sade made that all come to the forefront. Being in that waiting room and watching all sorts of people come in made me so thankful for the type of parents and childhood I had growing up. It made me so thankful to have the healthy (majority of the time) baby I have. Tonight as I sleep I will be counting my blessings, not my worries.

On a lighter note, we had been very busy this week between dinner parties and visits with old friends. A good friend Mike is leaving for law school this week so we made sure we spent time with him before he left. Also, it so happened that Sade was visiting Mommy at work on Wednesday when our good friends Billy, Emily, and Joe stopped in. Joe just got back from spending 4 months in Rome and is headed back to Notre Dame for the fall and Bill and Em just got back from a year in England on their way to living in Austin! All these world travelers! I also happened to take a picture of Sade in the waiting room which to some might sound a little odd. I was trying to make her feel better because she loves to have her picture taken. You can see for yourself, not so much this time...

Tater and her big brother Josh

Cheerio! Sadie with our "English" friend Emily :)
Sade and Joe. Sade is learning the proper techniques for cheering for the Fighting Irish.. or learning the Baltimore Catechism, we aren't sure :)

This is the infamous hospital pic. Notice she's not even looking at the camera. It might be because we have been there for 12346754 hours in this picture....

Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy 8th month birthday Sadie!

It's hard to believe our sweet Sadie is 8 months! Time has really flown by! Saturday when we were ove at my parents house Sade was playing on her stomach and managed to push herself up into the seated position! It was cool to be able to watch her do it! She's not quite crawling yet, but is able to get around with a combination of scooting and rolling.It won't be long now before out little bugger is into everything (even more than she already is!) She loves all baby food, except bananas. She eats cheerios and Gerber Puffs and loves apple juice.

It has become very apparent in the last few weeks how much Sade really loves to be around people. It always takes her a few minutes to figure out if she knows them or not, I can tell she's thinking because she puts her finger in her mouth while she's looking at them, but after a few minutes she's found a new best friend. She's a stinker! She has learned to cough or make a growling noise if the person is talking to someone else and not to her. Saturday after we had gotten home from my parents house, Sade was very crabby, crying, and just not herself the majority of the day (a case of diaper rash had presented itself as well). We went to a family get together that night, I was really nervous because of how she had been that whole day, and of course she was sweet as pie. Many comment on how sweet and good she is, which is true 99% of the time. It's always of course in the privacy of our own home that we get to see crabby Sadie, which isn't often, but still.

We haven't had any problems getting her to sleep in her room or through the night. She's also pretty much right on with all the milestones she's supposed to be making right now. It took her longer than babies born the same time, to sit up but the dr. said that was because she is so tall and thick.

The last few weeks have been VERY busy for Sadie. She has and will continue to have many parties to attend, pools to swim in, people to scope out, and festivals to "get down at". Here is just a sampling of some of the events from the last week. We went to Irish Fest in downtown Waterloo, and of course Sade had to wear her Shamrock dress, we also went to the public pool for the first tme, Sadie LOVED it, we stayed for more than an hour.

. After the swimming pool! Someone didn't want to leave!

Grandpa and Sadie at Irishfest!

She loved the music and the dancers! Although you cant tell from just looking at it, she's yelling at me because I was doing something else and not talking to her :) What a stinker!